Style and Fit

Style and Fit provides school-age children and youth (ages 4-17) in care the opportunity to select clothes and shoes that fit their bodies and their sense of style.  The clothing award is for $150 (including tax and shipping, if applicable). A ‘mini-award’ of $75 is available for children under the age of 4 who are currently in state or tribal custody.

The awards we have for 2024 have been given out.
If you have urgent clothing needs, please contact Susan at or 505-596-0519.

You will receive an award notification within 48 hours of request submission. Please do not shop prior to receiving this email; the number of awards is limited.

“We were getting a little stressed with how we were going to budget for more clothes. That evening I got your approval of our request, and it made me cry.”

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New Mexico Friends of Foster Children
P.O. Box 25365
Albuquerque NM 87125-0365