Who is eligible for NMFFC funding?

Children and youth (under the age of 18) who are currently in state or tribal custody as determined by having a state (CYFD)  or tribal caseworker. Youth who experienced foster care and who have aged out or were adopted may be eligible for our scholarship program; see Scholarships.

Who can make a request?

Any involved adult such as a resource/foster parent, CASA, permanency planning workers and other workers, GALs or youth attorneys, treatment foster agency workers, may make a request on behalf of a child or youth in care.  Eligible youth can also make requests on their own behalf.

How do I make a request?

Visit the specific program page for a link to an online request form.  If you need assistance or would prefer a paper request form or a fillable pdf, please contact us at info@nmffc.org.

What if I need help but I don’t see a program for what I need?

Please contact us at info@nmffc.org or (505) 596-0519.  We have new programs in development.  There also might be an existing resource with which we can connect you.

Do you have jobs for volunteers?

Yes!  There are several ways you can support kids in care. Please see our Volunteer page. You can also request information about serving on our Board of Directors or our Friends Advisory Board by emailing info@nmffc.org.

Do you accept in-kind donations?  What kinds of things do you need?

Yes, we do.  There are several ways to support our It’s Your Birthday! program with in-kind donations.  Please contact us at programadminstrator@nmffc.org for more information. Please contact us at development@nmffc.org to discuss estate gifts, stock transfers, and other ways to give.

nmffc logo

New Mexico Friends of Foster Children
P.O. Box 25365
Albuquerque NM 87125-0365
