Style and Fit Shopping Awards (for clothes and shoes) now available!
Announcing our Style and Fit Clothing Awards for Children in Foster Care. Links to application information.
The primary goal of Style and Fit is to provide children in care the opportunity to select school appropriate clothes and footwear that fit their bodies and their sense of style. The award is for $150 (including tax).
Any child or youth (ages 4 to 17) currently in state or tribal foster care in New Mexico is eligible to receive the award; however, the number of awards is limited. Please request right away if you are interested in receiving the award.
Complete the google request form at the following link: 2022 Style and Fit Request Form Anyone connected to the child/youth, including foster families, caseworkers, GALs/Youth Attorneys, CASAs, and youth themselves, may submit the google request form, although the foster parent or another responsible adult must approve. We plan to have the request form open through 12/1/22.
Wait for award notification. Details about the shopping option selected will be provided in your award approval email. Please do not purchase any clothing expecting reimbursement prior to receiving that email.
Shop with the child/youth using your selected shopping option. Children and youth should be accompanied by a foster parent or responsible adult at the shopping event.
Complete and submit the receipt payment form, if applicable.
There are four ways to shop for clothes upon notification of award:
Shop on your own at the store of your choosing. Submit the receipt and the receipt payment form to NMFFC for reimbursement. Receipt and receipt payment form must be received by 12/10/22. The receipt payment form will be emailed to you upon award notification.
Shop in-person at a store specified by NMFFC on the east side of Albuquerque on Sunday, October 2, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. NMFFC will be at the location during those hours to pay for purchases. The specific location of the shopping event will be emailed to you upon award notification.
Shop in-person at a store specified by NMFFC on the west side of Albuquerque on Thursday, October 27, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. NMFFC will be at the location during those hours to pay for purchases. The specific location of the shopping event will be emailed to you upon award notification.
Send us a cart of clothing selections from an online vendor (ex. Amazon, Target, etc.). Be sure to include all the details (size, color, etc.). We will order the items and have them delivered to your home. Specific instructions will be emailed to you upon award notification.
If you have questions or need assistance in completing the request, please contact Susan at [email protected] or call/text 505-596-0519.
to Clothes Helping Kids, Inc., the LANL Foundation, New Mexico Children’s Foundation, and other donors for making this program possible.