

Bring birthday joy and other childhood essentials to children and youth in state or tribal custody across our state.

Donations can be made online or by sending a check.

Via PayPal: 


Via Check (checks should be made payable to NMFFC):

New Mexico Friends of Foster Children (NMFFC)
P.O. Box 25365
Albuquerque NM 87125-0365


Sponsor a toy/book drive.  For instructions, click here:  Toy/Book Drive Instructions

Donate items through our Amazon wish list:  Amazon Wish List

Donate items through our Walmart wish list:  Walmart Wish List

Donate items through our Target wish list:  Target Wish List

Your donation is tax deductible, and you will receive a confirmation letter which you can use for tax purposes after NMFFC receives your donation. Federal ID No. 27-0363331 * NMFFC is a 501(c)(3) Not-For-Profit Organization.

nmffc logo

New Mexico Friends of Foster Children
P.O. Box 25365
Albuquerque NM 87125-0365