
Piggy Bank Project

Providing an opportunity for youth in state or tribal foster care, ages 16 and 17, to enhance their financial literacy skills through education and practice.

Birthday Dreams

Celebrates each young person’s special day. With this new program, children and youth in care would receive gifts or gift cards tailored to their interests as well as a book based on their age. Request at least two weeks prior to child’s birthday.

Expanding Horizons

Fund items and experiences that are fundamentally a part of growing up. Examples of our work include covering the cost of bicycles, museum/camp fees, tutoring, martial arts classes, and musical instruments. These awards are available all year round.


Assists with expenses related to both living and attending college or trade school. One recipient described the impact on her self-image: “I thought no one would give me a scholarship, but you did, and I am going to apply for more since you gave me one.”

Style and Fit

Provides assistance with clothing needs of foster children/youth by providing shopping awards. Children in care often have little control over what is happening to them; this program empowers them by giving them ownership and choice in clothing.

Summer Fun

Help children in care stay active and have fun. Past awards include museum passes, day trips to national parks, wading pools, outdoor games, and art supplies.

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New Mexico Friends of Foster Children
P.O. Box 25365
Albuquerque NM 87125-0365